Customize Logo and Icon

  • Alexandro Martínez
    by Alexandro Martínez
    2 years ago
  • Goals:

    • Change the Logo and Icon (light and dark mode)


    💿 Open your local folder app/assets/img.

    There are 4 files there:

    • logo-light.png

    • logo-dark.png

    • icon-light.png

    • icon-dark.png

    They're use througout the application with the app/components/brand/Logo.tsx and app/components/brand/Icon.tsx components.


    If you plan tu support dark mode, it's important to set the logo-dark and icon-dark images.

    Logo and Icon Files

    💿 Replace them with your logo and icon files.

    You can also change the Logo and Icon at /admin/settings/general.

    Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 15.04.24.png

    I hope this quick guide was useful! Let me know if you have any questions.

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